Cables and Accessories
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 30 feet.
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 30 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 38 feet.
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 38 feet. Cames with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 50 feet.
1/4 Cable Kit, Galvanized, 50 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicropress and Cable Stop...
10 pound Split Weight
10 Pound Split Weight. For snatch block applications (3" OR 4") comes with hardware..
3/16 Cable Kit, Stainless Steel, 25 feet.
3/16 Cable Kit, Stainless Steel, 25 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
3/16 Cable Kit, Stainless Steel, 38 feet.
3/16 Cable Kit, Stainless Steel, 38 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
3/16 Cable Kit. Stainless Steel. 20 feet. with Hook.
3/16 Cable Kit Stainless Steel 20 Feet with 1/3 ton hook. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and cable st..
3/8 Cable Kit. Stainless Steel. 30 feet
3/8 Cable Kit. Stainless Steel. 30 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
3/8 Cable Kit. Stainless Steel. 35 feet
3/8 Cable Kit. Stainless Steel. 35 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and cable Stop...
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 30 feet
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 30 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 35 feet
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 35 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 38 feet
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 38 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 50 feet
5/16 Cable Kit. Galvanized. 50 feet. Comes with Thimble, Nicopress and Cable Stop...